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Careers Reimagined.

Helping Teens & Young Adults Explore Entrepreneurship & Other Alternative Career Paths. 

LinkedIn recently reported that 76% of college students are thinking about dropping out - and at least 1 in 3 are taking action. With teen stress and student debt at an all-time high, it's time to help our young people explore options that may or may NOT include college. Business ownership and the trades can provide excellent options - especially when pursued through apprenticeship!

Careers Reimagined focuses on apprenticeships, internships and other hands-on learning experiences!

Today's youth are dealing with a lot of special challenges.  More are confused about their career path than ever before, and depression and suicide rates have dramatically increased since the pandemic. 

Here are some of the contributing factors that are hindering career development:

  •  Too many kinesthetic (hands-on) learners are struggling to get good grades in any classroom
  • Not enough variety in school career fairs - our youth don't understand all the opportunities available
  • Not enough mentoring and internships happening so that young people can discover their skills
  • Overloaded school guidance counselors don't have enough time to spend with individuals
  • Lack of good quality assessments being used by schools to help young people identify natural skills

  • How We Help

  • We provide the assessments and one-on-one guidance that is missing in most of our schools.

  • Hands-On Learning Experiences with Caring Business Owners

  • Apprenticeships and internships are making a comeback and they've proven to be a great way for a lot of our young people to discover new skills, new ways of learning and to discover more about what they can get EXCITED about doing with their lives!

    We help them explore various trades and entrepreneurial paths that can help them make a good living AND make a difference!

  • Schedule a Discovery Call Now!

  • Take the Guess Work OUT of Career Development Now!

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    Built 100% with GrooveFunnels


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    5753 Hwy 85 N, #5359

    Crestview, FL 32536