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Business Growth. Amplified.

Business growth is best accomplished by integrating and addressing 3 key areas:  Employee development and wellness, process development & improvement and having a clear vision, mission and purpose that can be communicated to customers, and implemented by employees.

Learn by doing . . . and discovering what will work for you!

Our packaged approach to business start-up speeds up the process to new income generation.

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Growth Through Employee Development & Workplace Wellness

SFor decades, business has taken the path of treating employees like an expense item that can easily be erased, rather than an asset that can be developed to add to the bottom line of the company.  The team at USAI is equipped to help employees integrate their personal goals with the goals of the company, while creating a culture of individual and organizational wellness.

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Growth Through Process Development & Improvement

From employee hiring and retention processes to sales & marketing processes, combined with technology integration, businesses need well-documented processes that allow flexibility and duplication throughout the organization. And, when you engage your employees in helping to improve the processes, you have a happier and more productive workforce.

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Growth Through Clear Vision, Mission & Purpose

It's a fact:  the only thing constant is change.  And in this time of fast change, businesses need to have the ability to pivot and change direction while remaining true to themselves.  Knowing who you are and having the ability to communicate it clearly to both employees and customers is not just "nice to have", it is necessary in order to maintain a cohesive organization that can weather the winds of change.

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Matt Minafo

Transformative business coach for companies looking to grow to the next level. I help you grow your business your way by providing customized coaching based upon knowledge, real life experience and performance improvement techniques. I have helped small businesses grow their top and bottom lines and was part of founding team that built and successfully sold a software and services company.

Specialized in building the bridges necessary to create a human-centric business.

20+ years experience in marketing, sales, advertising, client relations, training and performance improvement.

Specialties: Building relationships, new business development, strategic marketing, coaching and team management


Donald Kreamer

Donald stepped out on his own many years ago after learning electro-mechanical skills in the Marine Corps and mastering how to repair office equipment.

He found that he had a natural ability to connect with people and earn their trust in the sales process.

Since leaving that industry, he has become very enthusiastic about helping people learn about direct sales and all the ways people can help others while helping themselves!


Sheyenne Kreamer

Sheyenne has taught sales and marketing skills for consultants at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Her specialty, however, is helping businesses create a social impact component to their business. Making a living AND making a difference is the core of her work!

Cause-related marketing can make all the difference in the world!


What Options Do You Have for Engaging with Us?

It doesn’t matter where people come from or their level of expertise. We keep it as simple as possible so you can succeed!

  • Group Training

  • Our team can work with clients in a group setting with leading-edge workshops & seminars.

  • Learn from the best

  • All our instructors have tested, and implemented everything they teach you in here, so that you're confident that everything you learn are proven tactics - not a bunch of theories!

  • Group or Individual Coaching

  • "Knowledge is Power" has it's limitations.  The real power in the Information Age is learning how to apply the knowledge, and take action.  Our group and individual coaching programs can take people from awareness to action and help them quickly discover where their new income can come from.

  • Entrepreneurial Apprenticeship Programs

  • Sometimes the best way for people to learn, is to have them "do".  We have multiple ways to structure an apprenticeship program for people of almost any age and background that will help them to earn money from sales & marketing activities.  Guaranteed to help them change the way they think about their abilities and possibilities!

    More Team Members!

    Get started with the favorite courses of our students.

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    Learn how to write emails as a truly expert. This course taught by John Doe will give you all the basics AND advanced tactics you need to know and implement to grow your results.


    Team Member

    Learn how to write emails as a truly expert. This course taught by John Doe will give you all the basics AND advanced tactics you need to know and implement to grow your results.


    Team Member

    Learn how to write emails as a truly expert. This course taught by John Doe will give you all the basics AND advanced tactics you need to know and implement to grow your results.

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    Universal Soulution Alliance, Inc. © 2023

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    5753 Hwy 85 N, #5359

    Crestview, FL  32536