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Learn by doing . . . and discovering what will work for you!

Our 3-pronged approach to career transition speeds up the process to new income generation!

Job Search Skills, Tools & Networking

Resumes, interviewing, LinkedIn, applicant tracking systems & networking - there is always so much NEW to learn when you find yourself in job search.  Our team has a stellar track record for making sure you have the latest tools, tips & tricks!

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Investigating Career Change Options

How do you decide if it might be time for a career change?  How do you decide where to invest time, and perhaps money, to retool?  Is it "all about the money" - or is there more to consider?  Our team can help you avoid the traps and make good decisions now!

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Exploring Entrepreneurial Options

Most of us have never had the luxury of exploring the many SIMPLE ways you can start your own business, and even make money from home!  Our team has more than 25 years of experience in this arena, and can help you explore options you never knew were possible!

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Dori Staehle

A freak accident in 2011 triggered a rare disease and caused Dori Staehle to rethink her life and her purpose. She then started a coaching business with only $40. It was her hobby of drumming that actually helped her heal. This led her to her current passion and business, Next Stage Drumming.

In addition to being a certified drum therapist, ADHD specialist, and mentor, Dori holds a BA in French and German and an MBA in finance and also has a background in Gifted Education. She's been both a business coach and instructor and an inspirational speaker. Dori is also a 2-time Amazon author who hopes to inspire others to use their gifts to make an impact - and a solid income


Deborah Oronzio

Deb has a deep and diverse background in business, training and education. After a long corporate career in marketing, she served as Director of Entrepreneurship and Business/Marketing Instructor at Wake Tech Community College. In addition to her private practice, she has been a Senior Career Management Consultant at Right Management, a global leader in talent and career management within ManpowerGroup. She currently serves as a SCORE volunteer business mentor and has been a volunteer career coach at Dress for Success

Deb holds a MAS in Business Management from Johns Hopkins University (MD) and a BS in Medical Technology from Neumann University (PA), and two coaching certifications, one from The Life Mastery Institute as a DreamBuilder Coach and the second from The Coach Training Alliance as a Life and Career Coach.


Sheyenne Kreamer

Sheyenne experienced dual lay-off situations early in her career which sent her through several career reinvention scenarios, including entrepreneurial adventures.

Her signature program, "Find Your Song & Sing It:  Finding or Creating Work You Love" came out of her experiences as she strived to find a way to do work that made a difference.    

Her program has been taught at Wake Tech Community College, UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University.


What Options Do You Have for Engaging with Us?

It doesn’t matter where people come from, how long they've been unemployed or their level of expertise.

  • Group Training

  • Our team can work with clients in a group setting with leading-edge workshops & seminars.

  • Learn from the best

  • All our instructors have tested, and implemented everything they teach you in here, so that you're confident that everything you learn are proven tactics.

  • Group or Individual Coaching

  • "Knowledge is Power" has it's limitations.  The real power in the Information Age is learning how to apply the knowledge, and take action.  Our group and individual coaching programs can take people from awareness to action and help them quickly discover where their new income can come from.

  • Entrepreneurial Apprenticeship Programs

  • Sometimes the best way for people to learn, is to have them "do".  We have multiple ways to structure an apprenticeship program for people of almost any age and background that will help them to earn money from sales & marketing activities.  Guaranteed to help them change the way they think about their abilities and possibilities!

    More Team Members!

    Get started with the favorite courses of our students.

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    Learn how to write emails as a truly expert. This course taught by John Doe will give you all the basics AND advanced tactics you need to know and implement to grow your results.


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    Learn how to write emails as a truly expert. This course taught by John Doe will give you all the basics AND advanced tactics you need to know and implement to grow your results.


    Team Member

    Learn how to write emails as a truly expert. This course taught by John Doe will give you all the basics AND advanced tactics you need to know and implement to grow your results.

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    5753 Hwy 85 N, #5359

    Crestview, FL  32536